October 2020 – In our study “Golden Detour – The hidden face of the gold trade between the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland”, we were able to demonstrate without the slightest doubt that Valcambi buys gold from Kaloti, an international company from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This report is based on extensive documentary evidence, witness statements and on-site research in Dubai.

Between 2018 and 2019, Kaloti and a trading company close to it exported 83 tons of gold to the refinery Valcambi, installed in the italian part of Switzerland. Kaloti’s practices make it a very controversial player in the industry. The latter has been involved in several scandals involving dirty gold linked in particular to conflict zones. It was excluded from the standard of good practices in Dubai. Valcambi has partly acknowledged its relationship with Kaloti.

For fair trade gold!

Gold can be produced and traded fairly. This is our goal! By supporting us, you are helping e.g. to ensure that miners in our partner countries can extract gold under safe conditions and sell it legally on a fair market.

For the respect of human rights in gold mines

Both during the research and before the publication of the study, Valcambi had the opportunity to express his views on the criticisms made. The sources of the report can be consulted and verified.

SWISSAID stands by the research of its study and condemns the threat of a complaint, knowing that the industry shares its concerns.

Our demand remains the same: Valcambi must commit itself to human rights in the gold mines.