Executive Board

  • Fabian Molina, President SWISSAID, MP, Zurich, since 2019 (since 2018 member of the Board of Foundation)
  • Martin Sommer, Vice President SWISSAID, MSc Geography, Managing Director of devolutions GmbH, Berne, since 2017
  • Nicolas Bezençon, agronomist, head of the rural development group at AGRIDEA and lecturer at HEP Vaud, Lausanne, since 2024
  • Dr Claudia Friedl, MP and environmental scientist, St. Gallen, since 2015
  • Willi Graf,former employee at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern, since 2024
  • Isabel Jaisli, lecturer, Master in Tropical and International Agriculture, Zurich, since 2023
  • Emmanuelle Robert, lic.phil, Communications Officer, Lausanne, since 2017
  • Zora Schaad, journalist, Zurich, since 2023

Members of the Board of Foundation

  • Matthias Aebischer, Lecturer University of Fribourg, MP, Berne, since 2012;
  • Sibel Arslan, MP, lic. iur., Basel, since 2017;
  • Christine Badertscher, MP, Madiswil, since 2020;
  • Didier Berberat, attorney at law, former MP, since 2016;
  • Roman Berger, journalist, Zurich, since 2005;
  • Urs Brändli, Chairman of Bio Suisse, Goldingen, since 2018;
  • Edgar Ricardo von Buettner, Senior Consultant for strategic, participatory and sustainable community development projects, Brazil, since 1983;
  • Léo Caduff, Master in Life Sciences, Co-president of SWISSAID Zurich, since 2024
  • PhD. Rudolf Dannecker, former Deputy Director-General SDC, Hinterkappelen, since 2002;
  • Dr. Rudolf Fischer, Dr. phil. I, former Head of the SWISSAID Development Cooperation Department, Wettingen, since 2014;
  • Rémy Gogniat, journalist, La Chaux-de-Fonds, since 2009;
  • Corina Gredig, MP, Zurich, since 2020; Dr. h.c. Niklaus-Samuel  Gugger, MP, Winterthur, since 2020;
  • Bruno Gurtner, economist, Bern, since 2008;
  • Martin Hürzeler, Fundraiser BR, Zurich, since 2009;
  • Laurent Jimaja, Master in Economics, President of SWISSAID Geneva, since 2016;
  • Bastienne Joerchel Anhorn, economist, Renens, since 2012
  • Odile Keller, economist, Belfaux, since 2019;
  • Maud Krafft, consultant, Lausanne, since 2005;
  • Gian L. Nicolay, Dipl. Ing. Agr. ETH, Africa Coordinator FIBL, Ardez, since 2010;Pierre-André Page, farmer, MP, Châtonnaye, seit 2020;
  • Isabel Perich, lic.rer.pol., organizational consultant,Wohlen BE, since 2018;
  • Wendy Peter, organic farmer, member of the Bioforum Switzerland board, Willisau, since 2010;
  • Chasper Pult, cantonal school teacher and cultural mediator, Paspels, since 1992;
  • Ruth Rauch, lic. rer. pol., Team and Organizational Development, Bern, since 2004;
  • Prof. Dr. Stephan C. Rist, Professor for Human Geography, University of Bern, since 2017;
  • Daniel Roduner, Expert Development Cooperation, Berne, since 2007;
  • Carlo Sommaruga, lawyer, MP, Geneva, since 2010;