
With your donation, you help families in need by providing essential resources such as education, acess food or clean water. Your support not only brings them hope but also gives them the opportunity to build a self-reliant future – with a smile on their faces.


Information about transaction fees Arrow down

To avoid fees for us, you can select the payment option with the lowest transaction fees. Our least expensive payment method is the QR-bill.

What will my donation be used for? Arrow down

With your donation, you support our work in the project countries – helping the poorest people in the world. Thanks to you, we can use our funds at any time and wherever they are most urgently needed and bring the greatest benefit.

You can find detailed information about the funds that flow into our projects in our annual report.

How can I be sure that my donation will be used in the right place? Arrow down

SWISSAID carries the Zewo seal of approval (link: Zewo audits us regularly and checks whether your donation is being used for its intended purpose, effectively and economically. Your donation is in good hands with us.

Can I deduct my donation from my taxes? Arrow down

Yes, donations to SWISSAID are generally tax-deductible. Ask your tax office for the exact details. You can request a tax receipt at the end of the donation form.

Are there any transaction fees? Arrow down

To avoid fees for us, you can select the payment option with the lowest transaction fees. Our most favourable payment method is the QR-bill. You also have the option of accepting the transaction fees with one click at the end of the donation form.

Is my data protected? Arrow down

Data protection is very important to SWISSAID. We guarantee that your information will be treated confidentially and used for internal purposes only. Your personal data will not be sold, lent or passed on to third parties. You can find our privacy policy here (link:

Who should I contact if I have further questions? Arrow down

Our donation service is available from Monday to Thursday from 8.30 to 12.00 and 13.30 to 16.30 on +41 031 350 53 53 . Or send us an e-mail:

Bernhard Lehmann

Donation Service

+41 31 350 53 53