SWISSAID contributes to improving the situation in the countries where it operates by developing projects to protect workers and by lobbying at national level to improve standards and reduce the opacity of the sector.
As a major player in international commodities trading, Switzerland has a particular responsibility. That’s why SWISSAID is also active in Switzerland, publishing studies and participating in various networks demanding better regulation of the commodities trade.

Switzerland is the world’s leading commodities trader.

of the world’s gold imports transit through Switzerland.

Up to CHF 32 billion
or 474 tonnes of gold from artisanal and small-scale mining is undeclared for production in Africa.
Below, we explain how we are involved in the raw materials sector, both in the North and South. A flagship project in Tanzania provides an overview of our work on the ground for populations in need. An article on our expertise in raw materials, particularly gold, presents the philosophy behind our work and our knowledge of the subject. Finally, each theme has its own expert, interviewed below.