SWISSAID worldwide
2022 in numbers
In 2022, SWISSAID implemented projects in its nine partner countries with a total value of CHF 18,4 million. These projects helped to improve the living conditions of 346,185 women, men and children in our partner countries. Among the project participants, 22,770 households were able to cope with food shortages thanks to agroecology projects, and 75’775 people gained access to clean drinking water. Urgent needs following the droughts in Niger led us to help a further 100,000 people through emergency projects.
These successes were made possible by the 199 employees worldwide in 2022. In addition to our high-quality human resources, SWISSAID also benefited from the support of our 48,739 loyal donors, who generously contributed a total of CHF 13 million to all our projects.
A huge thank you to all of you!
Dear donors, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support. 48,739 of you supported us in 2022. Your donations are precious!
We would also like to thank the companies and suppliers who provided their services free of charge or at a particularly advantageous price. Finally, we would like to thank the institutions, cantons, companies, foundations, towns, municipalities, parishes and associations that support us, whether they have just joined us or have done so for years!
Thanks to you, we can continue to fight for a world in which hunger no longer has a place and even the poorest people live a healthy, dignified and independent life. We are helping to improve the living conditions of 346,185 men, women and children around the world. All this while respecting and protecting the environment in order to fight climate change.
– Thank you –