

CROPS4HD strives for a more sustainable food system that improves the living conditions of the rural population.

CROPS4HD is a programme that promotes the production and consumption of resilient and local crop products and ensures a healthy and diverse diet for the population. In order for these local plants to develop their benefits, the project also focuses on the political level and aims to strengthen the role of farmers’ seeds and decriminalise their dissemination.


In the country since:
June 2021
Niger, Chad, Tanzania and India
Current Projects:
Annual budget:
3’206’021 CHF


  • Demand for local crop products is promoted. This results in a healthier and more diverse diet for the population.
  • Smallholder families can distribute more agroecologically produced food and thus improve their economic situation.
  • In order for local seeds to develop their full potential, the necessary framework conditions are also promoted at the political level.
  • The programme aims to promote gender equality and strengthen the resilience of the rural population to climate change.

The website dedicated to CROPS4HD project will inform you in detail.