World hunger, climate change and agroecology are strongly intertwined. Climate change is a major driver of food shortages. Extreme weather events such as droughts, floods and heat waves are affecting agricultural production.
At the same time, conventional agriculture based on chemical fertilizers and monocultures contributes significantly to climate change. It releases greenhouse gases and endangers soil fertility and biodiversity.
Making agroecology understandable
This is where agroecology comes into play: it offers sustainable solutions and is an effective means of combating hunger. It emphasizes sustainable agricultural practices that keep soil healthy, reduce water use, and promote biodiversity. By emphasizing ecological diversity and local adaptation, agroecology can not only strengthen people and agriculture against the effects of climate change, but also alleviate world hunger. Agroecology is the path toward sustainable, equitable, and healthy agriculture and a food system for all.
The “Agroecology works!” network, of which SWISSAID is a member, is organizing the “AgroecologyDays” for the third time. The vision: to promote agroecology in Switzerland as a guiding principle for sustainable and comprehensive change in our food system. This involves science, practice and society and makes the concept of agroecology known and understandable to the public.

The most important events at a glance
Online webinars on agroecological practices in Colombia, India and Chad, the launch of a new brochure around agrobiodiversity on the plate, an information booth at the Klimademo, a new podcast episode on agroecology – our October program is rich:
30.9.23, National Climate Demo, Bern
Start at 2 pm at the Bollwerk. SWISSAID is marching along and has a stand on Waisenhausplatz where you can make seed balls with us. We are very happy if you come by. Information about the demo.
3.10.23, Webinar “What does an agroecological project or enterprise look like?”
In this webinar from Biovision and SWISSAID, learn more about the impact and measurability of agroecology. With input from our experts Sarah Mader and Eliane Steiner. Language: English; Information and Registration. To the flyer (English).
3.10.23, Sufosec Webinar “¿Cómo fomentar un entorno propicio para la transición agroecológica?”
This webinar is part of a four-year learning journey and will take place with partner:s from the Global South. This workshop will discuss policy and market strategies for successful agroecological practices. With input from Walquiria Perez, Head of SWISSAID Coordination Office Colombia; language: Spanish. The workshop will also be held in French (Oct. 24) and English (Oct. 17). Informationand registration. To the flyer (Spanish).
11.10.23, Podcast episode “Agroecolgogy – the solution to hunger”
SWISSAID’s fifth podcast episode is about agroecology, a promising approach to agriculture, not only to preserve the environment, but also to successfully fight hunger. The goal is regional, seasonal and organic agriculture. Sarah Mader, expert in agroecology at SWISSAID, and Rukmini Rao, women’s rights activist and member of the local advisory committee of SWISSAID India, have their say. Go to the podcast series.
13.10.23, Conference in La Touvière, Meinier: “My food, our agriculture and the climate”
Organized by with an online presentation by Olivier Ngardouel, Head of the SWISSAID Cooperation Office in Chad on climate resilience and NUS (Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species); information and registration ; Language: French; to the flyer(French).
16.10.23, World Hunger Day; new SWISSAID brochure “Agrobiodiversity on your plate”
SWISSAID has taken World Hunger Day as an opportunity to raise awareness about the diversity of crop varieties in the South and their key role in food security. The publication “Agrobiodiversity ona Plate” highlights various plant species and superfoods found in the countries where SWISSAID works, based on the knowledge of local people and field research. The brochure also contains traditional recipes, some of which can be recreated in Switzerland using alternative local plants and grains. To the brochure.
16.10.23 World Hunger Day; Climate Symposium on “Climate Change and Migration – Implications, Challenges and Opportunities for Action”
Kavita Ghandi, Director of the SWISSAID coordinatoration Offices in India speaks at the Symposium “Climate Change and Migration on the challenges and possible solutions in the context of the climate crisis; Language: English; Information and registration (English). The symposium is being organised by Caritas.
17.10.23, Sufosec webinar “How do we foster an enabling environment for the agroecological transition?”
See also 3.10.23; moderated by Sarah Mader, theme officer agroecology at SWISSAID; language: English; information and registration; to flyer (English).
24.10.23, Sufosec webinar “Comment favoriser un environnement propice à la transition agroécologique”
See also 3.10.23; With input from Ibrahim Hamadou, Local Coordinator SWISSAID Niger; Language: French; Information and registration; to the flyer (French).
25.10.23, Side Event at the 51st Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security
SWISSAID is represented at a side event of the 51st plenary session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 51). At a panel discussion on innovation and agroecology, Mauricio de J. García Alvarez from SWISSAID Colombia will speak about building resilience through smallscale farmers’ innovations and digital communication.
28.10.23, Closing event “Days of Agroecology”
Huebhof, Zurich. With a farm tour, workshops and an aperitif made from rare and neglected species and varieties (NUS) in collaboration with the restaurant La Cuisine, Zurich; presentation of the brochure “Agrobiodiversity on the Plate“; further information.