Seeds in times of climate change

A plant of hope

Dried out or washed away: seeds have a hard time in Niger’s nutrient-poor soils. With climate change, it is therefore becoming increasingly important that seeds are resistant to extreme weather conditions. Local farmers have also recognised this. Their knowledge of the use of traditional seeds is a key element on the road to long-term food security.


Country, region:
Niger: community of Kiéché, region of Dosso
Project completed
around 860 farmers and their families benefit directly from this project
Total project budget:
CHF 383,979


The project increases the yields of small farming families. Thus, the livelihood of the population of the community of Kiéché is sustainably improved. Through agroecology, better adaptation to the effects of climate change is achieved. Particular focus is placed on rain-fed agriculture and vegetable growing. Studies on site have shown that these forms of agriculture are the most suitable for the region.

This project is co-financed by the SDC program contribution.

The project is over. Read about its success.


Local seeds are of vital importance for people and the environment: small farmers use climate-adapted seed mixtures to produce a rich harvest. Families benefit from a balanced diet and a strengthened immune system. The soil becomes more resistant and richer in nutrients.

“Local” is the solution

The population of the community of Kiéché in Niger lives mainly from agriculture. Like many others in the region, they are defencelss against the increasingly destructive capers of the weather: torrential rainfall, droughts and pests are frequent. This results in crop failures and food insecurity for thousands of small farming families.

Thanks to traditional seeds, a plant of hope is now germinating in Kiéché. Clearly superior to industrial seeds, local seeds need less water and are more resistant. And solve several urgent problems at once.

Your donation counts

This project has been completed, but there are still a multitude of others to support, from Indian farmers to Tanzanian fishermen and Colombian forests. Make a donation and support our commitment to fight hunger in our partner countries.

The goal is independence

Together with the rural population, SWISSAID is working to improve the value of farm seeds in Niger. The aim is to provide the population with a sustainable supply of basic foodstuffs. To this end, seeds and agricultural material are distributed in four vegetable-growing areas. During the first two years, local producers receive non-hybrid seeds. In the long term, the small farmers should be able to multiply the seeds and store them to sow in future. At the same time, they are trained in agro-ecological practices and learn how to meet the challenges of climate change.

From seed to harvest sale: the production chain of the entire project is autonomous. The local families benefit from increased yields and harvest surpluses are invested. In addition to their cultivated fields, the smallholder families can plant their own vegetable gardens, start a goat or chicken farm and invest in education.

In this way, hope and a future for an entire community grows from a small seed.


The project is over!

The latter has improved the food security of 2800  peasant families by adopting climate-adapted agroecological methods, developing their production and building resilience to the effects of climate change. In detail: